@String(JCSS="Journal of Computer and System Sciences") @string {LNCS="Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @string {LNM="Lecture Notes in Mathematics"} @string {TCS="Theoretical Computer Science"} @string{gmd={Gesellschaft f\"{u}r Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung}} @Article( AA66, Author="Amemiya, I. and Araki, H.", Title="A remark on {P}iron's paper", Journal="Pubs. of the Res. Inst. of Math. Sciences, Kyoto University Series A2", Volume=2, Pages="423-427", Year=1966) @Book( AS, Author="Abraham, R.H. and Shaw, C.D.", Title="Dynamics--The Geometry of Behavior", Publisher="Aerial Press, Inc.", Address="Santa Cruz, CA", Year=1989) @Article( Abe50, Author="{Abel\`es}, F.", Title="{R\'echerches} sur la propagation des ondes electromagnetiques sinusoidales dans les milieux {stratifi\'es}: application aux couches minces, {Parts I and II}", Journal="Annales de Physique", Year=1950) @InProceedings( Abr, Author="Abrahamson, K.", Title="Modal Logic of Concurrent Nondeterministic programs", BookTitle="International Symposium on Semantics of Concurrent Computation", Address="Evian-les-Baines", Month=Jul, Year=1979) @InProceedings( Abr87, Author="Abramsky, S.", Title="Domain Theory in Logical Form", BookTitle="Proc. 2nd Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science", Address="Ithaca, NY", Pages="47-53", Month=Jun, Year=1987) @Article( Abr90, Author="V. Michele Abrusci", Title="Non-commutative intuitionistic linear propositional logic", Journal="Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik", Volume=36, Pages="297--318", Year=1990) @InProceedings( AC06, Author="Akleman, E. and Chen, J.", Title="Insight for Practical Subdivision Modeling with Discrete Gauss-Bonnet Theorem", BookTitle="Geometric Modeling and Processing--GMP 2006", Series=LNCS, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=2006) @Article( Adj37, Author="Ajdukewicz, K.", Title="Die syntaktische Konnexit{\"a}t", Journal="Studia Philosophica", Volume=I, Pages="1-27", Year=1937, Note="English translation in S. McCall, Polish Logic 1920-1939, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1967.") @Article( AK79, Author="Ad\'amek, J. and Koubek, V.", Title="Least Fixed Point of a Functor", Journal=JCSS, Volume=19, Pages="163-178", Year=1979) @Book( Agh86, Author="Gul A. 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Belnap", Title="Entailment", Volume=1, Publisher="Princeton University Press", Address="Princeton, NJ", Year=1975) @InProceedings( AH, Author="Anderson, S. and Hudak, P.", Title="Pomset Interpretations of Parallel Functional Programs", BookTitle="Proc. 3rd International Conf. on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture", Address="Portland, OR", Month=Sep, Year=1987) @InProceedings( AJ92, Author="Abramsky, S. and Jagadeesan, R.", Title="Games and Full Completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic", BookTitle="Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science", Series=LNCS, Address="New Delhi", Note="Also Imperial College Report DoC 92/24", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1992) @InProceedings( AJ92b, Author="Samson Abramsky and Radha Jagadeesan", Title="New Foundations for the Geometry of Interaction", bookTitle="Seventh Annual Symposium on Logic in Computer Science", address="Santa Cruz, California", month=jun, pages="211--222", publisher="{IEEE} Computer Society Press", year=1992) @Article( AJ94, Author="Samson Abramsky and Radha Jagadeesan", Title="New Foundations for the Geometry of Interaction", journal="Information and Computation", volume=111, number=1, pages="53--119", note="Extended version of the paper published in the Proceedings of LICS'92", year=1994) @Article( AJ94b, Author="Samson Abramsky and Radha Jagadeesan", Title="Games and Full Completeness for Multiplicative Linear Logic", journal="Journal of Symbolic Logic", volume=59, number=2, pages="543--574", year=1994) @Article( AV93, Author="Samson Abramsky and Steven Vickers", Title="Quantales, Observational Logic and Process Semantics", Journal="Math. Struct. in Computer Science", Volume=3, Pages="161--227", Year=1993) @Book( Ale96, Author="Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeevich", Title="Combinatorial topology", Publisher="Graylock Press", Year="1956-1960") @Article( All84, Author="Allen, J.F.", Title="Towards a general theory of action and time", Journal="Artificial Intelligence", Volume=23, Pages="123--154", Year=1984) @Book( AM, Author="Arbib, M. and Manes, E.", Title="Arrows, Structures, and Functors: The Categorical Imperative", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1975) @Unpublished( And92, Author="Anderson, Arlen", Title="The Global Problem of Time", Note="McGill 92-15, hep/9205112", Month=Mar, Year=1992) @TechReport( And88, Author="Andreka, H.", Title="On the representation problem of distributive semilattice ordered semigroups", Institution="Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci., Budapest", Note="Abstracted in: Abstracts of AMS Vol.10, No 22 (March 1989), *89T-08-21, p.174.", Month=Sep, Year=1988) @Article( AR89, Author="America, P. and Rutten, J.", Title="Solving reflexive domain equations in a category of complete metric spaces", Journal=JCSS, Volume=39, Number=3, Pages="343-375", Year=1989) @Unpublished( Asp87, Author="Asperti, A.", Title="A Logic for Concurrency", Note="Manuscript", Month=Nov, Year=1987) @inproceedings( AFG90, Author="A. Asperti and G. L. Ferrari and R. Gorrieri", Title="Implicative formulae in the {``proofs as computations''} analogy", BookTitle="Principles of Programming Languages", Editor="P. 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Zadeh}, Publisher={Springer}, Address={Berlin, Heidelberg}, Pages={286-295}, Keywords={}, Year=1991) @Article( Atk68, Author="Atkins, D.E.", Title="Higher-Radix Division Using Estimates of the Divisor and Partial Remainders", Journal="IEEE Transactions on Computers", Volume="C-17", Number=10, Month=Oct, Year=1968) @Article( Avr84, Author="Avron, A.", Title="Relevant Entailment--Semantics and Formal Systems", Journal="J. Symbolic Logic", Month=Jun, Year=1984) @Article( Avr88, Author="Avron, A.", Title="The Semantics and Proof Theory of Linear Logic", Journal=TCS, Volume=57, Pages="161-184", Year=1988) @PhDThesis( Aud97, Author="Tan, A.", Title="Full completeness for models of linear logic", School="King's College, University of Cambridge", Month=Oct, Year=1997) @Article( BQR, Author="Borceux, F. and Quinteiro, C. and {Rosick\'y}, J.", Title="A Theory of Enriched Sketches", Journal="Theory and Applications of Categories", Pages="47-72", Volume=4, Number=3, Year=1998) @Book( Bor94, Author="Borceux, F.", Title="Handbook of Categorical Algebra 1: Basic Category Theory", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Address="Cambridge, UK", Year=1994) @misc( Bo90, Author={G. Boudol}, Year={1990}, Note={Report INRIA Sophia Antipolis, in preparation}, Title={Computations of distributed systems, part 1: flow event structures and flow nets}) @InProceedings( BC87, Author="G. Boudol and I. Castellani", Title="On the semantics of concurrency: partial orders and transition systems", BookTitle=Tapsoft87v1, Editor="H. Ehrig and R. Kowalski and G. Levi and U. Montanari", Series=LNCS, Volume=249, Publisher="Springer", Pages="123--137", Year=1987) @inproceedings( BC90, Author="G. Boudol and I. Castellani", Editor="Guessarian, I.", BookTitle="Semantics of Systems of Concurrent Processes, Proceedings LITP Spring School on Theoretical Computer Science", Address="La Roche Posay, France", Series=LNCS, Volume=469, Publisher="Springer", Pages={96--141}, Title={Three Equivalent Semantics for {CCS}}, Year=1990) @Book( BCG, Author="Bottani, A. and Carrara, M. and Giaretta, P.", Title="Individuals, essence, and identity : themes of analytic metaphysics", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=2002) @Book( BD74, Author="Berge, Claude and Ray-{C}haudhuri, Dijen", Title="Working Seminar on Hypergraphs", Series=LNM, Volume=411, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Address="Berlin", Year=1974) @InProceedings( BD92, Author="Badouel, E. and Darondeau, P.", Title="Structural Operational Specifications and Trace Automata", BookTitle="Proc. of CONCUR'92", Series=LNCS, Volume=630, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="302-316", Address="Stonybrook, New York", Month=Aug, Year=1992) @PhDThesis( Bellin90,Author="Bellin, G.", Title="Mechanizing Proof Theory: Resource-Aware Logics and Proof-Transformations to Extract Implicit Information", School="Stanford University", Year=1990) @Book( Ber73, Author="Berge, Claude", Title="Graphs and Hypergraphs (transl: {E}. {M}inieka)", Publisher="North-Holland", Address="Amsterdam", Year=1973) @Book( Ber89, Author="Berge, Claude", Title="Hypergraphs: combinatorics of finite sets", Publisher="North-Holland", Address="Amsterdam", Year=1989) @TechReport( Ben87a, Author="David B. Benson", Title="Bisimulation of Automata", number="CS-87-167", institution="Computer Science Department, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington", month=may, year=1987, note="Revision of work presented at LICS 1986") @TechReport( Ben87b, Author="David B. Benson", Title="The Shuffle Bialgebra", number="CS-87-168", institution="Computer Science Department, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington", month=may, year=1987) @TechReport( Ben87c, Author="David B. Benson", Title="Bialgebras: Some Foundations for Distributed and Concurrent Computation", number="CS-87-168", institution="Computer Science Department, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington", year=1987) @TechReport( BA77, Author="Brock, J.D. and Ackerman, W.B.", Title="An anomaly in the specifications of nondeterministic packet systems", Number="Computation Structures Group Note CSG-33", Institution="MIT Lab. for Computer Science", Month=Nov, Year=1977) @InProceedings( BA81, Author="Brock, J.D. and Ackerman, W.B.", Title="Scenarios: A Model of Non-Determinate Computation", BookTitle="Formalization of Programming Concepts", Series=LNCS, Volume=107, Editors="Diaz, J. and Ramos, I.", Pages="252-259", Publisher="Springer-Verlag, New York", Year=1981) @Article( Bae29, Author="Baer, R.", Title="{Zur Einf\"uhrung des Scharbegriffs}", Journal="Crelle Journal", Volume=160, Pages="199--207", Year=1929) @Book( Bar81, Author="Barendregt, H.", Title="The Lambda Calculus: its Syntax and Semantics", Publisher="North-Holland", Address="Amsterdam", Year=1981) @Article( Bar, Author="Barney, C.", Title="Logic Designers Toss Out the Clock", Journal="Electronics", Volume=58, Number="49", Pages="42-45", Month=Dec, Year=1985) @Article( Barr, Author="Barr, M.", Title="Coequalizers and Free Triples", Journal="Math. Zeitschrift", Volume=116, Pages="307-322", Year=1970) @Book( Bar79, Author="Barr, M.", Title="{$*$-A}utonomous categories", Series=LNM, Volume=752, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1979) @Article( Bar91a, Author="Barr, M.", Title="{$*$-A}utonomous categories and linear logic", Journal="Math Structures in Comp. Sci.", Volume=1, Number=2, Pages="159-178", Year=1991) @Article( Bar91b, Author="Barr, M.", Title="Accessible categories and models of linear logic", Journal="J. Pure and Applied Algebra", Volume=69, Pages="219-232", Year=1990) @Article( Bar96, Author="Barr, M.", Title="Fuzzy models of linear logic", Journal="Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", Volume=6, Number=3, Pages="301-312", Year=1996) @Article( Bar96b, Author = "M. Barr", Title = "The {Chu} construction", Journal="Theory and Applications of Categories", Pages="17-35", Volume=2, Number=2, Year=1996) @Article( Bar99, Author="Barr, M.", Title="$*$-Autonomous categories: once more around the track", Journal="Theory and Applications of Categories", Volume=6, Pages="5--24", Year=1999) @Book( BW, Author="Barr, M. and Wells, C.", Title="Toposes, Triples and Theories", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1985) @Book( BW90, Author="Barr, M. and Wells, C.", Title="Category Theory for Computing Science", Publisher="Prentice-Hall", Year=1990) @InCollection( Bar92, Author="Barwise, J.", Title="Constraints, Channels, and the Flow of Information", BookTitle="Situation theory and its applications", Volume=3, Note="To appear", Publisher="CSLI Lecture Notes", Editor="David Israel and Stanley Peters", Year=1992) @Book( BS97, Author="Barwise, J. and Seligman, J.", Title="Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Year=1997) @Book( Bas, Author="Bastin, T.", Title="Quantum Theory and Beyond", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Year=1971) @Article( BCSW, Author="Betti, R. and Carboni, A. and Street, R. and Walters, R.", Title="Variation Through Enrichment", Journal="J. Pure and Applied Algebra", Volume=29, Pages="109-127", Year=1983, Comment="The proof of the cocompleteness of V-cat when V is cocomplete and the tensor preserves colimits; proved in a more general setting; contains references to other treatments") @InProceedings( Ber, Author="Berman, F.", Title="A Completeness Technique for {D}-axiomatizable Semantics", BookTitle="Proc. 11th Ann. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing", Pages="160-166", Month=May, Year=1979) @Article( Bet53, Author="Beth, E.W.", Title="On {P}adoa's method in the theory of definition", Journal="Indagationes Mathematicae", Volume=15, Pages="330-339", Year=1953) @TechReport( BFP, Author="Best, E. and Fernandez, C. and {Pl\"unnecke}, H.", Title="Concurrent Systems and Processes, Final Report on the Foundational Part of the Project BEGRUND", Number="GMD-Studien Nr.104", Institution="GMD, Sankt Augustin, FDR", Month=Mar, Year=1985) @incollection( BFSS, Author="Bainbridge, E.S. and Freyd, P.J. and Scedrov, A. and Scott, P.J.", Title="Functorial Polymorphism", Booktitle="Logical Foundations of Functional Programming", Editor="G. Huet", Publisher="Addison-Wesley", Year="1989", note="To appear.") @InProceedings( BG90, Author="Brown, C. and Gurr, D.", Title="A Categorical Linear Framework for {Petri} Nets", BookTitle="Logic in Computer Science", Month="June", Year="1990", Editor="J. Mitchell", Pages="208--218", Publisher="IEEE Computer Society") @TechReport( BGP, Author="Brown, C. and Gurr, D. and {d}e Paiva, V.", Title="A Linear Specification Language for {Petri} Nets", Institution="Computer Science Department, Aarhus University", Number={DAIMI PB-363}, Month=Oct, Year=1991) @Article( BHR, Author="Brookes, S.D. and Hoare, C.A.R. and Roscoe, A.D.", Title="A Theory of Communicating Sequential Processes", Journal=JACM, Volume=31, Number=3, Pages="560-599", Year=1984) @Book( Bir27, Author="Birkhoff, G.D.", Title="Dynamical Systems", Publisher="American Math. Soc.", Series="Colloquium Publications", Volume=9, Year=1927) @Article( Bir33, Author="Birkhoff, G.", Title="On the combination of subalgebras", Journal="Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc", Volume=29, Pages="441-464", Year=1933) @Article( Birk35, Author="Birkhoff, G.", Title="On the structure of abstract algebras", Journal="Proc. Cambridge Phil. 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Conf. on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology", Address="Munich", Year=1996) @Article( BK84, Author="Bergstra, J.A. and Klop, J.W.", Title="Process Algebra for Synchronous Communication", Journal="Information and Control", Volume=60, Pages="109-137", Year=1984) @InProceedings( BG95, Author="Blelloch, G. and Greiner, J.", Title="Parallelism in sequential functional languages", BookTitle="Proc. Symposium on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture", Pages="226-237", Month=Jun, Year=1995) @InProceedings( BK89, Author="Bergstra, J.A. and Klop, J.W.", Title="Process theory based on bisimulation semantics", BookTitle="Proc. REX School/Workshop on Linear Time, Branching Time and Partial Order in Logics and Models for Concurrency", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="50-122", Address="Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands", Year=1989) @Book( BPS, Author="J.A. Bergstra and A. Ponse and S.A. Smolka (editors)", Title="Handbook of Process Algebra", Publisher="Elsevier (North-Holland)", Year=2000) @Article( BS73, Author="Black, F. and Scholes, M.", Title="The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities", Journal="Journal of Political Economy", Pages="636-659", Year=1973) @Book( Bla82, Author="Blackett, Donald W.", Title="Elementary topology : a combinatorial and algebraic approach", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1982) @Article( Bla92, Author="Andreas Blass", Title="A game semantics for linear logic", Journal="Annals of Pure and Applied Logic", Volume=56, Pages="183--220", Year=1992) @InProceedings( Bla95, Author="Andreas Blass", Title="A Category arising in Linear Logic, Complexity Theory, and Set Theory", BookTitle="Advances in Linear Logic", Pages="61--81", Editor="J.-Y. Girard and Y. Lafont and L. Regnier", Address="Ithaca, NY", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Month=Jun, Year=1995) @Article( Blu96, Author="Blute, R. F.", Title="Hopf algebras and linear logic (with appendix by {M. Barr})", Journal="Mathematical Structures in Computer Science", Volume=6, Number=2, Pages="189-217", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Month=Apr, Year=1996) @Article( BL70, Author="Birkhoff, G. and Lipson, J.D.", Title="Heterogeneous Algebras", Journal="J. of Combinatorial Theory", Volume=8, Pages="115-133", Year=1970) @TechReport( BMOZ86, Author="J.W. de Bakker, J.-J. Ch. Meyer, E.-R. Olderog and J.I. Zucker", Title="Transition Systems, Metric Spaces, and Ready Sets in the Semantics of Uniform Concurrency", Institution="Department of Computer Science, SUNY at Buffalo", Number={86-04}, Month=Feb, Year=1986) @Article( BN36, Author="Birkhoff, G. and von Neumann, J.", Title="The logic of quantum mechanics", Journal="Annals of Mathematics", Volume=37, Pages="823-843", Year=1936) @Book( Boc, Author="Boche{\'n}ski, I.M.", Title="A History of Formal Logic", Publisher="Chelsea Publishing Company", Address="New York, NY", Year=1961, Note="German edition 1956, translated and edited by I. Thomas") @Book( Bol86, Author="Bollobas, Bela", Title="Combinatorics : set systems, hypergraphs, families of vectors, and combinatorial probability", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Year=1986) @Book( Boo47, Author="Boole, G.", Title="An Investigation of the Laws of Thought", Publisher="Macmillan", Address="London", Year=1854) @InProceedings( Bou88, Author="Boute, R. 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Phil.} thesis", school="University College, Oxford University", year=1983, note="Also available as Carnegie Mellon University Computer Science Department technical report CMU-CS-83-149") @Book( Bro88, Author="Brown, R.", Title="Topology: {A} geometric account of general topology, homotopy types and the fundamental groupoid", Publisher="Halsted Press", Address="New York", Year=1988) @Proceedings( Bro85, editor="Manfred Broy", Title="Control Flow and Data Flow: Concepts of Distributed Programming", bookTitle="Control Flow and Data Flow: Concepts of Distributed Programming", series="NATO Advanced Science Institute Series F", volume=14, publisher="Springer-Verlag", year=1985) @Article( BS96a, Author="Blute, R.F. and Scott, P.J.", Title="Linear {L\"a}uchli semantics", Journal="Annals of Pure and Applied Logic", Volume=77, Pages="101-142", Year=1996) @Article( BS96b, Author="Blute, R.F. and Scott, P.J.", Title="The shuffle {Hopf} algebra and noncommutative full completeness", Journal="Submitted to J. Symbolic Logic", Year=1996) @InCollection( Buc96, Author="R. Buckland", Title="Choice as a first class citizen", BookTitle="Intensional Programming I, eds M.A.~Orgun and E.A.~Ashcroft", Publisher="World-Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore", Year="1996") @Article( Bug91, Author="Slawomir Bugajski", Title="Nonlinear Quantum Mechanics is a Classical Theory", Journal="Int. J. Theor. Phys.", Pages="961-971", Volume=30, Year=1991) @Book( Bur86, Author="Burmeister, P.", Title="A Model Theoretic Oriented Approach to Partial Algebras", Series="Mathematical Research 31", Publisher="Akademie-Verlag", Address="Berlin", Year=1986) @Book( BS81, Author="Burris, S. and Sankappanavar, H.P.", Title="A Course in Universal Algebra", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", year=1981) @InProceedings( BS08, Author="Bodenreider, O.", Title="Ontologies and data integration in biomedicine: Success stories and challenging issues", BookTitle="Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Data Integration in the Life Sciences (DILS 2008)", Address="Berlin Heidelberg New York", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=2008) @InProceedings( BG, Author="Baeten, J. and van Glabbeek, R.", Title="Another look at abstraction in process algebra", BookTitle="Proc. ICALP'87", Series=LNCS, Volume=267, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="84-94", Year=1987) @Article( BV92, Author="J.C.M. Baeten and F.W. Vaandrager", Title="An algebra for process creation", Journal=ACTA, Volume=29, Number=4, Pages="303--334", Year=1992) @Book( BW90b, Author="Baeten, J.C.M. and Weijland, W.P.", Title="Process Algebra", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Year=1990) @Book( CM, Author={K. Mani Chandy and Jayadev Misra}, Title={Parallel Program Design : a Foundation}, Publisher="Addison-Wesley", Address="Reading, Mass.", Year=1988) @InProceedings( CCMP0, Author="Casley, R.T and Crew, R.F. and Meseguer, J. and Pratt, V.R.", Title="Temporal Structures", BookTitle="Proc. Conf. on Category Theory and Computer Science", Series=LNCS, Volume=389, Pages="21-51", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Address="Manchester", Month=Sep, Year=1989) @Article( CCMP, Author="Casley, R.T and Crew, R.F. and Meseguer, J. and Pratt, V.R.", Title="Temporal Structures", Journal="Math. Structures in Comp. 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Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science", Series="Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", Volume="19", Address="Amsterdam", Pages="133-147", Year=1999) @Article( PP02, Author="D.~Pavlovi\'c and V.~Pratt", Title="The continuum as a final coalgebra", Journal=TCS, Volume=280, Number="1-2", Pages="105-122", Year=2002) @InProceedings( PS77, Author="G.D. Plotkin and M.B. Smyth", Title="The Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations", BookTitle="Proc. 18th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Month=Oct, Year=1977) @InProceedings( PS77, Author="G.D. Plotkin and M.B. Smyth", Title="The Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations", BookTitle="Proc. 18th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Month=Oct, Year=1977) @TechReport( PS78, Author="G.D. Plotkin and M.B. Smyth", Title="The Category-Theoretic Solution of Recursive Domain Equations", Institution="D.A.I.", Number="Research Report No. 60", Year=1978) @InProceedings( Pn, Author="Pnueli, A.", Title="The Temporal Logic of Programs", BookTitle="18th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Pages="46-57", Month=Oct, Year=1977) @Book( Pop82, Author="Popper, K.R.", Title="Quantum Theory and the Schism in Physics", Publisher="Unwin Hyman", Note="(Reprinted by Routledge 1992)", Year=1982) @Article( Pos47, Author="Post, E.L.", Title="Recursive Unsolvability of a Problem of Thue", Journal="J. Symbolic Logic", Volume=12, Pages="1-11", Year=1947) @Unpublished( Pr74, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Semantics of Programming Languages", Note="Lecture notes for 6.892, M.I.T.", Month=Apr, Year=1974) @InProceedings( Pr76, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Semantical Considerations on {Floyd}-{Hoare} Logic", BookTitle="Proc. 17th Ann. IEEE Symp. on Foundations of Comp. Sci.", Pages="109-121", Month=Oct, Year=1976) @InProceedings( Pr78, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="A Practical Decision Method for Propositional Dynamic Logic", BookTitle="Proc. 10th Ann. ACM Symp. on Theory of Computing", Address="San Diego", Pages="326-337", Month=May, Year=1978) @InProceedings( Pr79a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Process Logic", BookTitle="Proc. 6th Ann. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", Address="San Antonio", Pages="93-100", Month=Jan, Year=1979) @TechReport( Pr79b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Dynamic Algebras: Examples, Constructions, Applications", Number="MIT/LCS/TM-138", Institution="M.I.T. Laboratory for Computer Science", Month=Jul, Year=1979) @InProceedings( Pr79c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Models of program logics", BookTitle="20th Symposium on foundations of Computer Science", Address="San Juan", Month=Oct, Year=1979) @InProceedings( Pr79d, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Axioms or Algorithms", BookTitle="Proc. 6th Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science", Address="Olomouc, Czech.", Year=1979) @Article( Pr80a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="A Near Optimal Method for Reasoning About Action", Journal=JCSS, Volume=2, Pages="231-254", Month=Apr, Year=1980, Note="Also MIT/LCS/TM-113, M.I.T., Sept. 1978") @InProceedings( Pr80b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Dynamic algebras and the nature of induction", BookTitle="12th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation", Address="Los Angeles", Month=Apr, Year=1980) @Article( Pr80c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Application of Modal Logic to Programming", Journal="Studia Logica", Volume=34, Number="2/3", Pages="257-274", Year=1980) @InProceedings( Pr80d, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="On Specifying Verifiers", BookTitle="Proc. 7th Ann. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", Address="Las Vegas", Month=Jan, Year=1980) @InProceedings( Pr81, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Using Graphs to Understand {PDL}", BookTitle="Proc. Workshop on Logics of Programs 1981", Series=LNCS, Volume=131, Publisher="Spring-Verlag", Editor="Kozen, D.", Year=1981, Pages="387-396") @InProceedings( Pr81b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="A Decidable Mu-Calculus", BookTitle="Proc. 22nd IEEE Conference on Foundations of Computer Science", Month=Oct, Year=1981, Pages="421-427") @InProceedings( Pr82, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="On the Composition of Processes", BookTitle="Proceedings of the Ninth Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", Month=Jan, Year=1982) @InProceedings( Pr83a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Five Paradigm Shifts in Programming Language Design and their Realization in the Programming Language {Viron}", BookTitle="Proc. 10th Ann. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", Month=Jan, Year=1983) @InProceedings( Pr83, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Two-Way Channel with Disconnect", BookTitle="The Analysis of Concurrent Systems: Proceedings of a Tutorial and Workshop", Series=LNCS, Volume=207, Pages="110-111", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1985) @Unpublished( Pr83b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Position Statement", Note="Circulated at the Panel on Mathematics of Parallel Processes, chair A.R.G. Milner, IFIP-83", Month=Sep, Year=1983) @InProceedings( Pr84, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="The Pomset Model of Parallel Processes: {Unifying} the Temporal and the Spatial", BookTitle="Proc. CMU/SERC Workshop on Analysis of Concurrency", Series=LNCS, Volume=197, Address="Pittsburgh", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="180-196", Year=1984) @InProceedings( Pr85, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Some Constructions for Order-Theoretic Models of Concurrency", BookTitle="Proc. Conf. on Logics of Programs", Series=LNCS, Volume=193, Address="Brooklyn", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="269-283", Year=1985) @Article( Pr86, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Modeling Concurrency with Partial Orders", Journal="Int. J. of Parallel Programming", Volume=15, Number=1, Pages="33-71", Month=Feb, Year=1986) @InProceedings( Pr89a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Enriched Categories and the {Floyd-Warshall} Connection", BookTitle="Proc. First International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology", Pages="177-180", Address="Iowa City", Month=May, Year=1989) @InProceedings( Pr90a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Dynamic Algebras as a Well-behaved Fragment of Relation Algebras", BookTitle="Algebraic Logic and Universal Algebra in Computer Science", Series=LNCS, Volume=425, Editors="C.H. Bergman, R.D. Maddux, D.L. Pigozzi", Address="Ames, Iowa, June 1988", Pages="77-110", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1990) @InProceedings( Pr90b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Action Logic and Pure Induction", BookTitle="Logics in AI: European Workshop JELIA '90", Series=LNCS, Volume=478, Editor="J. van Eijck", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="97-120", Address="Amsterdam, NL", Month=Sep, Year=1990) @InProceedings( Pr91a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Modeling Concurrency with Geometry", BookTitle="Proc. 18th Ann. ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages", Pages="311-322", Month=Jan, Year=1991) @InProceedings( Pr91b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Event Spaces and Their Linear Logic", BookTitle="AMAST'91: Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Series="Workshops in Computing", Pages="1-23", Address="Iowa City", Year=1992) @InProceedings( Pr92a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Arithmetic + Logic + Geometry=Concurrency", BookTitle="Proc. First Latin American Symposium on Theoretical Informatics", Series=LNCS, Volume=583, Pages="430-447", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Address="S\~{a}o Paulo, Brazil", Month=Apr, Year=1992) @InProceedings( Pr92b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Origins of the Calculus of Binary Relations", BookTitle="Proc. 7th Annual IEEE Symp. on Logic in Computer Science", Address="Santa Cruz, CA", Month=Jun, Pages="248-254", Year=1992) @InProceedings( Pr92c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="A Roadmap of Some Two-Dimensional Logics", BookTitle="Logic and Information Flow (Amsterdam 1991)", Editor="Van Eijck, J. and Visser, A.", Pages="149-162", Publisher="MIT Press", Address="Cambridge, MA", Year="1994") @Article( Pr92d, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Dynamic Algebras: Examples, Constructions, Applications", Journal="Studia Logica", Volume=50, Number="3/4", Pages="571-605", Year=1992) @InProceedings( Pr92e, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="The Duality of Time and Information", BookTitle="Proc. of CONCUR'92", Series=LNCS, Volume=630, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="237-253", Address="Stonybrook, New York", Month=Aug, Year=1992) @InProceedings( Pr92f, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Quantum Logic, Linear Logic, and Constructivity", BookTitle="Computation of Physics workshop: collected abstracts", Address="Dallas", Month=Oct, Year=1992, Note="Superseded by published IEEE proceedings version, retitled {"}Linear Logic for Generalized Quantum Mechanics{"}") @InProceedings( Pr93a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Linear Logic for Generalized Quantum Mechanics", BookTitle="Proc. Workshop on Physics and Computation (PhysComp'92)", Address="Dallas", Publisher="{IEEE}", Pages="166-180", Year=1993) @InProceedings( Pr93b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="The Second Calculus of Binary Relations", BookTitle="Proceedings of MFCS'93", Address="Gda{\'{n}}sk, Poland", Series=LNCS, Volume=711, Pages="142-155", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1993) @TechReport( Pr94a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu Spaces: complementarity and uncertainty in Rational Mechanics", Institution="TEMPUS Summer School", Address="Budapest", Note="Manuscript available as {\small\tt http://boole.stanford.edu/pub/bud.pdf}", Month=Jul, Year=1994) @InProceedings( Pr94b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu Spaces: Automata with Quantum Aspects", BookTitle="Proc. Workshop on Physics and Computation (PhysComp'94)", Pages="186-195", Address="Dallas", Publisher="{IEEE}", Year=1994) @InProceedings( Pr94c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Time and Information in Sequential and Concurrent Computation", BookTitle="Proc. Theory and Practice of Parallel Programming (TPPP'94)", Address="Sendai, Japan", Pages="1-24", Series=LNCS, Volume=907, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Month=Nov, Year=1994) @InProceedings( Pr95a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Rational Mechanics and Natural Mathematics", BookTitle="TAPSOFT'95", Series=LNCS, Volume=915, Address="Aarhus, Denmark", Pages="108-122", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1995) @InProceedings( Pr95b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Anatomy of the Pentium Bug", BookTitle="TAPSOFT'95", Series=LNCS, Volume=915, Address="Aarhus, Denmark", Pages="97-107", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1995) @InProceedings( Pr95c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="The {S}tone Gamut: A Coordinatization of Mathematics", BookTitle="Logic in Computer Science", Pages="444-454", Month="June", Publisher="IEEE Computer Society", Year="1995") @InCollection( Pr95d, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu Spaces and Their Interpretation as Concurrent Objects", BookTitle="Computer Science Today: Recent Trends and Developments", Series=LNCS, Volume=1000, Pages="392-405", Editor="van Leeuwen, J.", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year="1995") @InProceedings( Pr96a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Broadening the Denotational Semantics of Linear Logic", BookTitle="Special Issue on Linear Logic 96", Series="ENTCS (Electronic Notes of Theoretical Computer Science)", Volume=3, Address="Tokyo", Year=1996) @InProceedings( Pr96b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Debate '90: An electronic discussion on true concurrency", BookTitle="Partial Order Methods in Verification (ed. D. Peled, V. Pratt, G. Holzmann), DIMACS Workshop", Pages="359-403", Series="DIMACS Series", Volume=29, Publisher="Am. Math. Soc.", Year=1996) @Article( PR96, Author="Par{\'e}, R. and Rom{\'a}n, L.", Title="Dinatural Numbers", Journal="J. Pure and Applied Algebra", Volume=128, Pages="33-92", Year=1998) @InProceedings( Pr97a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Towards Full Completeness of the Linear Logic of {Chu} Spaces", BookTitle="Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", Volume=6, Address="Pittsburgh", Year=1997, Note="URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs/volume6.html, 18 pages") @InProceedings( Pr97c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Types as processes, via {Chu} spaces", BookTitle="Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", Volume=7, Address="Santa Margherita", Year=1997, Note="URL: http://www.elsevier.nl/locate/entcs/volume7.html, 21 pages") @Article( Pr99a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu spaces from the representational viewpoint", Journal="Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (Parikh Festschrift)", Volume=96, Pages="319-313", Year=1999) @TechReport( Pr99b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu Spaces: Notes for School on Category Theory and Applications", Institution="University of Coimbra", Address="Coimbra, Portugal", Note="Manuscript available as {\small\tt http://boole.stanford.edu/pub/coimbra.pdf}", Month=Jul, Year=1999) @Article( Pr00a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Higher dimensional automata revisited", Journal="Math. Structures in Comp. Sci.", Volume=10, Pages="525-548", Year=2000) @Article( Pr01a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Distinguishing Sequentiality and Concurrency with the Geometry of Included Middle", Journal="Math. Structures in Comp. Sci.", Year=2001, Note="In review") @InProceedings( Pr01b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Orthocurrence as both Interaction and Observation", BookTitle="Proc. Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (ed. R.~Rodriguez and F.~Anger), IJCAI'01", Address="Seattle", Month=Aug, Year=2001) @InProceedings( Pr01c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Software Geography: Physical and Economic Aspects", BookTitle="Proc. SOFSEM'01", Address="Bratislava", Month=Nov, Year=2001) @Article( Pr02b, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu spaces as a semantic bridge between linear logic and mathematics", Journal=TCS, Volume=294, Number=3, Pages="439-471", Note="Selected papers from Linear Logic'96, Tokyo", Month=Feb, Year=2003) @InProceedings( Pr02c, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Event-State Duality: the Enriched Case", Booktitle="Proc. CONCUR'02", Address="Brno", Month=Aug, Year=2002) @InProceedings( Pr02d, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Comonoids in chu: a large cartesian closed sibling of topological spaces", Booktitle="Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science", Volume=82, Issue=1, Address=Warsaw, Publisher="Elsevier", Editor="H. Peter Gumm", Year=2003) @Article( Pr03a, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Transition and Cancellation in Concurrency and Branching Time", Journal="Math. Structures in Comp. Sci., special issue on the difference between sequentiality and concurrency", Volume=13, Number=4, Pages="485-529", urlps={http://boole.stanford.edu/pub/seqconc.pdf}, Month=Aug, Year=2003) @Article( Pr04, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="An unexpectedly simple 2-categorical origin for {Chu} spaces", Year=2004) @Article( Pr06, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Chu II: Couniversality of the Chu construction revisited", Year=2006) @article( Pr09, Author="Pratt, V.R.", Title="Factoring Heron", Journal="The College Mathematics Journal", Volume="40", Pages="15--16", Month=Jan, Year=2009) @Article( Pri70, Author="Priestley, H.A.", Title="Representation of distributive lattices", Journal="Bull. London Math. Soc.", Volume=2, Pages="186-190", Year=1970) @Article( Pru24, Author="Pr{\"u}fer, H.", Title="{Theorie der Abelschen Gruppen. I. Grundeigenschaften}", Journal="Math. Zeitschr.", Volume=20, Pages="165--187", Year=1924) @Book( PT80, Author="Pultr, A. and Trnkov{\'a}, V.", Title="Combinatorial, Algebraic and Topological Representations of Groups, Semigroups, and Categories", Publisher="North-Holland", Year=1980) @InCollection( Qui, Author="Quine, W.V.", Title="Natural Kinds", BookTitle="Naming, Necessity, and Natural Kinds", Editor="Schwartz, S.P.", Pages="155-175", Publisher="Cornell University Press", Address="Ithaca and London", Year=1977, Note="(Originally published in Hempel et al, {\em Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel}, Reidel, 1969; also in Quine, {\em Ontological Relativity and other essays}, Columbia University Press, 1969)") @InCollection( Qui69, Author="Quine, W.V.", Title="Natural Kinds", Booktitle="Essays in honor of Carl G. Hempel", Editor="Hempel, C.G. and Davidson, D. and Rescher, N.", Publisher="D. Reidel", Address={Berlin, Heidelberg}, Pages="5--23", Year=1969) @InProceedings( RA93, Author={R. V. Rodriguez and F. D. Anger}, Title={Constraint Propagation + Relativistic Time = More Reliable Concurrent Programs}, Booktitle={Proc.\ of the Sixth International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE-93}, Address={Edinburgh, Scotland}, Pages={236-239}, Keywords={}, Year=1993) @InCollection( RA93b, Author={R. V. Rodriguez and F. D. Anger}, Title={An Analysis of the Temporal Relations of Intervals on Relativistic Space-Time}, Booktitle={IPMU'92: Advanced Methods in Artificial Intelligence - Proc.\ of the 4th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems}, Editor={B. Bouchon-Meunier and L. Valverde and R. R. Yager}, Publisher={Springer}, Address={Berlin, Heidelberg}, Pages={139-148}, Keywords={}, Year=1993) @InProceedings( RA01, Author={R. V. Rodriguez and F. D. Anger}, Title="Branching Time via {Chu} Spaces", BookTitle="Proc. Workshop on Spatial and Temporal Reasoning (ed. R.~Rodriguez and F.~Anger), IJCAI'01", Address="Seattle", Month=Aug, Year=2001) @Article( Rab87, Author="Rabinovitch, A.", Title="Pomset Semantics is Consistent with Data Flow Semantics", Journal="EATCS Bulletin 32", year=1987) @Article( RL, Author="G. Ricci and T. Levi-Civita", Title="M{\'e}thodes de calcul differential absolu et leures applications", Journal="Mathematische Annalen", Volume=54, Pages="125-201", Year=1900) @Article( RR91, Author="L. Rom{\'a}n and B. Rumbos", Title="Quantum Logic Revisited", Journal="Foundations of Physics", Volume=21, Number=6, Pages="727-734", Year=1991) @InProceedings( RS87, Author="Rose, J. and Steele, G.", Title="C*: An extended C language for data parallel programming", Booktitle="Proceedings Second International Conference on Supercomputing", Volume=2, Pages="2-16", Month=May, Year=1987) @Article( RT, Author="A. Rabinovich and B.A. Trakhtenbrot", Title="Behavior Structures and Nets", Journal="Fundamenta Informatica", Volume=11, Number=4, Pages="357-404", Year=1988) @InProceedings( RT88a, Author="A. Rabinovich and B.A. Trakhtenbrot", Title="Nets of Processes and Data Flow", BookTitle="Linear Time, Branching Time and Partial Order in Logics and Models for Concurrency, REX'88", Series=LNCS, Volume=354, Address="Noordwijkerhout", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="574-602", Month=Jun, Year=1988) @Book( RS63, Author="Rasiowa, H. and Sikorski, R.", Title="The Mathematics of Metamathematics", Series="Polska Akademia Nauk. Monografie matematyczne", Address="Warsaw", Volume=41, Year=1963) @Article( Red64, Author="Redko, V.N.", Title="On Defining Relations for the Algebra of Regular Events ({Russian})", Journal="Ukrain. Mat. Z.", Volume=16, pages="120-126", Year=1964) @Book( Rei87, Author="Reichel, H.", Title="Initial Computability, Algebraic Specifications, and Partial Algebras", Publisher="Oxford University Press", Year=1987) @Book( Rei, Author="Reisig, W.", Title="Petri Nets: An Introduction", Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Year=1985) @InProceedings( Ren92, Author="Rensink, A.", Title="Posets for Configurations!", BookTitle="Proc. of CONCUR'92", Series=LNCS, Volume=630, Publisher="Springer-Verlag", Pages="269-285", Address="Stonybrook, New York", Month=Aug, Year=1992) @InProceedings( rep88, AUTHOR="John Reppy", TITLE="Synchronous Operations as First-Class Values", BOOKTITLE="Programming Language Design and Implementation", pages="250-259", organization="SIGPLAN", publisher="ACM", YEAR=1988, ) @InProceedings( rep91, AUTHOR="John Reppy", TITLE="{CML}: A Higher-Order Concurrent Language", BOOKTITLE="Programming Language Design and Implementation", pages="293-259", organization="SIGPLAN", publisher="ACM", month=jun, YEAR=1991, ) @PhDThesis( Rep92, AUTHOR="John Reppy", TITLE="Higher-Order Concurrency", SCHOOL="Cornell University", address="", month=jun, note="Technical Report TR 92-1285", YEAR=1992) @Article( RF, Author="Robert, P. and Ferland, J.", Title="G\'en\'eralisation de l'algorithme de {W}arshall", Journal="Revue Fran\c caise d'Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle", Volume=2, Number=7, pages="13-25", Year=1968) @PhDThesis( Rid72, Author="Riddle, W.", Title="The Modeling and Analysis of Supervisory Systems", School="Computer Science Dept., Stanford University", Note="174 pp.", Month=Mar, Year=1972) @TechReport( Rid74, Author="Riddle, W.", Title="The Equivalence of {Petri} Nets and Transmission Models", Institution="Computing Laboratory, University of Newcastle upon Tyne", Number="SRM/97", Month=Aug, Year=1974) @book{ Rio68, author="J. Riordan", title="Combinatorial Identities", publisher="Wiley", year=1968} @Article( Rob58, Author="Robertson, J.E.", Title="A New Class of Digital Division Methods", Journal="IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers", Volume="EC-7", Pages="218-222", Month=Sep, Year=1958) @Book( Rob59, Author="Robinson, G. de B.", Title="The Foundations of Geometry", Publisher="University of Toronto Press", Year=1959) @Book( Rog67, Author="Rogers, H.", Title="Theory of Recursive Functions and Effective Computability", Publisher="McGraw-Hill", Year=1967) @Article( RW94, Author="Rosebrugh, R. and Wood, R.J.", Title="An adjoint characterization of the category of sets", Journal="Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.", Volume=122, Number=2, Pages="409-413", Year=1994) @Book( Ros90, Author="Rosenthal, K.I.", Title="Quantales and their applications", Publisher="Longman Scientific and Technical", Year=1990) @Book( Ros96, Author="Rosenthal, K.I.", Title="The theory of quantaloids", Publisher="Longman Scientific and Technical", Year=1996) @InProceedings( Rot73, Author="Rota, G.-C.", Title="The Valuation Ring of a Distributive Lattice", BookTitle="Proc. Univ. of Houston Lattice Theory Conf.", Publisher="Dept. of Math., Univ. of Houston", Year=1973) @Article( Roy59, Author="Roy, B.", Title="Transitivit\'e et connexit\'e", Journal="Comptes Rendues Acad. Sci.", Volume=249, Pages="216-218", Year=1959) @InCollection( Roy89, Author="Halsey Royden", Title="A history of mathematics at Stanford", BookTitle="A Century of Mathematics in America, AMS", Volume=II, Pages="237-277", Year=1989) @InProceedings( Rus89, Author="Russell, J.", Title="Full Abstraction for Nondeterministic Dataflow Networks", BookTitle="Proc. 30th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science", Month=Oct, Year=1989) @Article( Rus00, Author="Russell, B.", Title="The Logic of Relations", Journal="Rivista di Matematica", Volume="{VII}", Pages="115-148", Year=1900) @Book( Rus27, Author="Russell, B.", Title="The analysis of matter", Publisher="Paul, Trench, Trubner (also Dover 1955)", Year=1927) @Book( RW, Author="Russell, B. and Whitehead, A.N.", Title="Principia Mathematica", Publisher="Cambridge University Press", Edition="Third", Year=1935) @Book( RB88, Author="Rydeheard, D.E. and Burstall, R.M.", Title="Computational Category Theory", Publisher="Prentice-Hall", Year=1988) @Article( Sal66, Author="Salomaa, A.", Title="Two Complete Axiom Systems for the Algebra of Regular Events", Journal=JACM, Volume=13, Pages="158-169", Year=1966) @Article( Sal70, Author="Salwicki, A.", Title="Formalized Algorithmic Languages", Journal="Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys.", Volume=18, Number=5, Year=1970) @PhDThesis( Sar89, Author="Saraswat, V.", Title="Concurrent constraint programming languages", School="Carnegie Mellon University", Year=1989) @InProceedings( SC96, Author="Sassone, V. and Cattani, G. L.", Title="Higher-Dimensional Transition Systems", BookTitle="Proceedings of LICS'96", Year=1996) @Book( Sch97, Author="Schecter, E.", Title="Handbook of Analysis and Its Foundations", Publisher="Academic Press", Year=1997) @Article( Sch24, Author="Sch{\"o}nfinkel, M.", Title="{\"U}ber die Bausteine der mathematischen Logik", Journal="Math. Annalen", Volume=92, Pages="305-316", Year=1924) @Book( Schr95, Author="Schr{\"o}der, E.", Title="Vorlesungen {\"u}ber die {A}lgebra der {L}ogik ({E}xakte {L}ogik). {D}ritter {B}and: {A}lgebra und {L}ogik der {R}elative", Publisher="B.G. 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